Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Quebec dads who take paternity leave do more housework in the long run, U.S. study finds

reposted from National Post

Quebec dads who take paternity leave do more housework in the long run, U.S. study finds

Research by Andrea Doucet, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Gender Work in Care has found that most — 89.2 per cent — of Québécois dads take paternity leave the same time as the mother.
FotoliaResearch by Andrea Doucet, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Gender Work in Care has found that most — 89.2 per cent — of Québécois dads take paternity leave the same time as the mother.
Québécois dads who take the province’s five weeks paternity leave are doing more housework in the long run, according to a new American analysis that adds fuel to the debate about whether government measures can level the playing field at home.
The “daddy quota” element of Quebec’s Parental Insurance Plan, which offers dads three to five weeks at home with a child who can’t be transferred to a mother, has increased the number of fathers taking leave by 250 per cent, the Cornell University analysis found. It also showed dads took on 23 per cent more housework such as laundry, cooking and dishwashing long after the leave ended.
“I find there’s a reduction in what we would call the traditional division of labour,” study author Ankita Patnaik said in an interview with the National Post. “Dads increase their time in housework and moms basically save that time in housework and they move it over to childcare instead.”
Researchers have long found that the time after the first child’s birth tends to reinforce traditional gender roles in the home. But this research, which Patnaik argues is the “first comprehensive evidence that exposure to paternity leave can have a large and persistent effect on the division of household labour,” suggests what may be possible when men are not just offered this leave but have it presented to them with the caveat: “use it or lose it.”
I find there’s a reduction in what we would call the traditional division of labour
Patnaik believes the “daddy quota” aspect of the leave is critical, and has worked fairly well in nations such as Norway, where the introduction of this quota (the Scandinavian model sees one to two months of leave per father) saw a 32 per cent increase in dads taking a leave.
“The use it or lose it quota is really effective because essentially it plays on people’s loss aversions,” she says. “It’s the idea that if dads aren’t using it, you’re going to waste it.”
The label “changes things” for fathers — Patnaik believes it could have the power to reduce stigma in the workplace against men taking parental leave. “You feel like you can walk into your boss’s office with more bargaining power and asks for leave.”
It also means expectant mothers and fathers don’t need to negotiate how the leave will be divided if there’s already a portion set aside just for dads.
In her three-year study of the Quebec “experiment” in paternity leave, Patnaik analyzed data on benefit claims from the 2002-2010 rounds of the Employment Insurance Coverage Survey and Statistics Canada’s General Time Use Survey results from 2005 and 2010.
Before the introduction of QPIP in 2006, only 20 per cent of dads actually took the government up on what was back then a voluntary two-week paternity leave. But after QPIP expanded the amount of leave (plus upped the replacement rate from 55 per cent to 70 per cent of income and made it non-transferrable) the uptake rose to 80 per cent, Patnaik found.
She then looked at the “lasting” effects of paternity leave in Quebec, and that’s where she saw the great impact on division of household labour a year to three years after the paternal leave ended.
“I found strong evidence that by altering the initial experience of paternal leave, QPIP had a large and persistent impact on gender dynamics within households even years after the leave period ended,” Patnaik wrote in a briefing paper for the U.S. based Council on Contemporary Families published earlier this month. “[It is] encouraging movement toward a dual-earner, dual-caregiver model wherein fathers and mothers contributed more equally to home and market production.”
Patnaik’s research did not look at when exactly these five weeks were taken by dads while the mothers were still at home.
Research by Andrea Doucet, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Gender Work in Care has found that most — 89.2 per cent — of Québécois dads take the leave the same time as the mother.
One critical issue is having alone time in the home so that they learn how to run the home, take responsibility for children and the home
“One critical issue is having alone time in the home so that they learn how to run the home, take responsibility for children and the home,” she says.
While Doucet is glad to see arguments in favour of the Quebec model, she has some concerns about the “causality” claims Patnaik’s research makes.
“This is an interesting perspective but it makes large claims,” she wrote in an email to the Post. “I also think that there are other contextual factors to keep in mind: Quebec is the only province to have affordable [$7 a day] childcare and there has been a rise of breadwinning mothers, and a decline in areas of traditional male employment during this same time frame across Canada.”
She also believes the culture has gotten too hung up on the issue of equality in the home, which is really hard to measure.
“The issue with equality in my view is not about time, but about responsibilities,” she says. “[It’s about] who takes the lead, who drops everything, who notices and attends to what needs doing, and who priorities care over work when there are crises and challenges at home.”
National Post
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