Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ottawa neurosurgeon implants brain stimulator to relieve Parkinson's symptoms

reposted from Ottawa news

Ottawa neurosurgeon implants brain stimulator to relieve Parkinson's symptoms

A longtime family physician in Hawkesbury, Dr. Jacques Theriault recognized in his shrunken handwriting and in his altered walking gait the telltale signs of Parkinson’s disease.
But Theriault did his best to ignore the symptoms since he knew there was no cure for the degenerative brain disease. For six months, he carried on as if nothing was wrong — “I was in denial,” he says — until finally informing his family doctor.
Tests confirmed Theriault’s diagnosis in May 2008.
Then 63, Theriault was forced to give up his medical practice. For the next six years, his disease steadily progressed until he was taking 19 pills a day in an effort to control the tremors that marked his Parkinson’s. “I was on the edge of an abyss,” he remembers. “I couldn’t think about anything else except trying to control the tremors.”
Then, in the summer of 2014, Theriault read about deep brain stimulation, a surgical procedure that is increasingly being used to treat the debilitating motor symptoms of Parkinson’s; he asked his neurologist about its availability in Ottawa. His timing could not have been better.
Dr. Adams Sachs, a neurosurgeon at The Ottawa Hospital, had recently launched this region’s first deep brain stimulation (DBS) program after two years of training at Stanford University. The Ottawa Hospital had secured provincial funding to perform one DBS surgery a month.
Previously, Parkinson’s patients had to travel to Toronto for the procedure, which involves the precise delivery of an electrical pulse to the brain region associated with tremors. Much like a heart pacemaker, the system delivers constant electrical stimulation to the brain.
In Parkinson’s disease, the brain doesn’t produce enough of the brain chemical, dopamine, which causes disruptions in the neural networks that govern movement.
“That dysfunction results in the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s,” explains Dr. Sachs, who is also an associate professor at the University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Research Institute. “Deep brain stimulation restores the normal balance that’s lost in Parkinson’s disease.”
The operation
The principal challenge of DBS surgery is navigational: The electrodes must be implanted in a small, active section of the brain — the subthalamic nucleus, which is the size of a thin fingertip deep inside the skull — without damaging any of the surrounding brain tissue or blood vessels.
In preparation for Theriault’s surgery, images of his brain were taken using an MRI and a CT scan then loaded onto a computer, which merged the pictures into a single image. That image allowed Dr. Sachs to map his patient’s brain in intense detail, in three dimensions, in relation to five reference points implanted in Theriault’s skull.
“We treat the brain like a co-ordinate system,” he explained. “It’s like a GPS navigation for surgery.”
The city’s first deep brain stimulation surgery took place in October 2014 in a specially equipped operating room at The Ottawa Hospital.
Theriault was conscious for most of the nine-hour operation in order to help Dr. Sachs pinpoint the right area of his brain.
To get close to his target, Dr. Sachs first used an image-guided surgical probe inserted into Theriault’s brain from a clear plastic operating platform — it looks like a miniature oil rig — screwed onto the patient’s skull. Dr. Sachs could then track the movement of his probe on a computer screen loaded with Theriault’s brain images.
The system allowed him to watch his advance through the brain in three dimensions, in real time. The image guidance system brought Dr. Sachs within millimetres of his target.
He further refined his aim by listening to Theriault’s brain cells.
Dr. Sachs inserted several tiny micro-electrodes into Theriault’s brain. Using headphones, he then listened to the amplified sound of neurons in order to identify the frequency associated with those in his target area: the subthalamic nucleus.
Different regions in the brain have different levels of neuronal activity, which produce unique and identifiable frequencies. The neurons firing in the subthalamic nucleus produce a sound signature, Dr. Sachs explained, that he has been trained to recognize. To the uninitiated, he said, neurons sound like so much radio static. “It takes a while to train the ear,” he said.
The operating room is copper-lined so that outside radio waves cannot interfere with the brainwave recordings.
A final test was used to confirm what Dr. Sachs had seen and heard. He stimulated the brain region with a micro-electrode to ensure Theriault experienced no unwanted side effects, such as involuntary contractions. The subthalamic nucleus is in a “crowded” area of the brain, Dr. Sachs said, and it’s important to avoid implanting the DBS electrode near a motor pathway.
Finally satisfied that he had found his mark, Dr. Sachs implanted two permanent DBS electrodes in Theriault’s brain. The devices have the consistency of cooked spaghetti and can move with the pulsations of the brain. The electrodes were then attached to a battery-powered unit implanted under the skin of Theriault’s upper chest.
The outcome
Nine months after the operation, Jacques Theriault stands in his neurosurgeon’s office to demonstrate the impact of his surgery.
Theriault holds a remote control to the computer module implanted in his chest and switches off the brain stimulator. Within seconds, his right arm begins to quake violently: his whole body braces against the storm. The tremors calm within seconds of the device being restarted.
“I’d probably be in a wheelchair today, or close to it, if I didn’t have DBS surgery. I’d be completely dependent on my spouse for care,” says Theriault, 70, who now lives in Ottawa.
Although he suffers from slowed movements and some balance issues, Theriault has been able to reduce his medication and enjoy life. “I’m independent and I’m not embarrassed by my disease. I can still drive my car.”
DBS surgery, however, is not a cure. Theriault’s disease continues to progress even though its most obvious symptoms — his tremors — are under control.
Dr. Tiago Mestre, a neurologist at The Ottawa Hospital, screens local Parkinson’s patients to determine the best candidates for DBS; he also programs their electronic stimulators after surgery.
Parkinson’s patients are always treated first with drugs, he says, but the benefit of those medications can diminish over time or cause unwanted side-effects. DBS surgery is now an option for patients whose motor symptoms respond well to medication, but experience significant periods of instability.
Mestre says DBS surgery can effectively control symptoms for many years — a decade or more — and researchers are now exploring its ability to treat other disorders, including Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, depression and anorexia.

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