In celebration of moms everywhere, below we present a song perfectly suited to every stage of parenthood, from the moment you realize you're pregnant to that (inevitable) moment when your kid gives you sass. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there: we love you, even if we don't say it enough.
Congratulations, you’re pregnant!
Oh my God, now what? 
It's still hard to believe, but there’s actually a little person in there, and they’re going to have to come out some time.
It’s a boy!
It’s a girl!
Instantly, your whole life — and everything you thought it was — changes.
And then it settles in: this is actually going to be hard.
"We’re up all night to get lucky" only gets half of it right.
That moment your child realizes you are kind of strange (and so are they).
They grow up so fast, but one thing will always stay the same.
Even when times are tough, there’s nothing you wouldn't do for them.
One day your kid becomes a teenager, and you have to deal with their friends.
And if you have a daughter, there is a chance you'll run into this guy (come on, you know the type).
They’ll say they hate you (but we all know they really love you).
And then they go away to college and you’re so proud (even if they drop out).
Eventually they become adults and appreciate you.
And when they do, it’s enough to make a grown man cry.
Because your child wouldn't be who they are without you.
And even if you both had your differences, there’s still only one you.
All of this, of course, applies to your own mom, so remember to always:
Follow Jesse Kinos-Goodin on Twitter: @JesseKG