Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just found out our paper was accepted into Journal of Neuroscience and wanted to write a story of the evolution of this project.

Folks in the lab,

Finally this paper we were talking about in Journal Club is accepted in Journal of Neuroscience!!!  see it...

Here is a short story about what I was telling you in our journal club but now elaborated here because I can no longer focus on my grant application(s).  

This depicts how difficult some novel lines of research are to publish.
I collected the first set of this data on Feb 1st, 2005 and the last data file on June 6th, 2006.  Scary 6-6-6 or "666".

This is a SC neuron during gaze shifts of 10 degrees.  Notice the firing rate well correlated to gaze onset (vertical line).  Each row is a single trial.  This has 8 trials and the red waveform is the averaged firing of the 8 trials.  In Fig B is the head free gaze shifts.
Cross hatch represents peak of RF.  

A second neuron mapped in 8 different reference frames during gaze shifts to 13 different target positions. 

3-4 years of learning the analysis and retooling a novel analysis integrating 3D head free eye movement behaviour and single unit recordings in the head free animal in the superior colliculus from many of the co-authors.  Our postdoc Gerry Keith doing a lot of the coding.

We had to devise a novel analysis method which was published as

We finally submitted the first version of this manuscript October 25th, 2010 to have it get this decision from Journal of Neuroscience

DecisionReject - Resubmission Allowed / 13th Dec 10

We addressed every single concern that the reviewers had and resubmitted it on
April 1st, 2011.

With a second resubmission sept 8th and the final decision of

DecisionAccept As Is / 18th Oct 11

If anyone is artsy and can make a cover art from the figures we can submit a COVER ART from this paper.  Anyone game?  I like this weeks cover art .. a Chinese brush painting of frogs...see

My cover attempt from this figure above.

I am for sure buying some drinks/coffees/teas this friday if anyone is around at 3pm to 4pm at the Grad pub.


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